Canada’s AI Deficit: Data Reveals Lagging Progress in the Global AI Race

Data-driven analysis reveals how Canada is falling behind in the global AI race, highlighting key areas where the country needs to improve to remain competitive.

Canada’s AI Deficit: By the Numbers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize industries and economies worldwide. Yet, despite its early contributions and a strong research base, Canada is lagging in the global AI race. This deficit is evident in several key metrics:

The Impact on Canada’s Economy

This AI lag has serious implications for Canada’s economic future:

  • Missed Opportunities: Canadian businesses risk falling behind in adopting AI-powered solutions, missing out on productivity gains and competitive advantages.
  • Brain Drain Cost: The loss of top AI talent to other countries represents a significant loss of intellectual capital and innovation potential.
  • Economic Growth: AI is projected to contribute trillions to the global economy. Canada’s slow progress could mean missing out on a substantial portion of this growth.


The data paints a clear picture: Canada is lagging in the global AI race. However, it’s not too late to catch up. By taking decisive action in investment, talent, strategy, and regulation, Canada can harness the power of AI to drive economic growth, innovation, and prosperity.

Let’s not let this opportunity slip away. The future of AI is being shaped now, and Canada needs to be at the forefront.

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